cerebralcortex.markers.brushing package


cerebralcortex.markers.brushing.features module

compute_corr_mse_accel_gyro(self, exclude_col_names: list = [], accel_column_names: list = ['accelerometer_x', 'accelerometer_y', 'accelerometer_z'], gyro_column_names: list = ['gyroscope_y', 'gyroscope_x', 'gyroscope_z'], windowDuration: int = None, slideDuration: int = None, groupByColumnName: List[str] = [], startTime=None)[source]

Compute correlation and mean standard error of accel and gyro sensors

  • list (gyro_column_names) – name of the columns on which features should not be computed
  • list – name of accel data column
  • list – name of gyro data column
  • windowDuration (int) – duration of a window in seconds
  • slideDuration (int) – slide duration of a window
  • List[str] (groupByColumnName) – groupby column names, for example, groupby user, col1, col2
  • startTime (datetime) – The startTime is the offset with respect to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC with which to start window intervals. For example, in order to have hourly tumbling windows that start 15 minutes past the hour, e.g. 12:15-13:15, 13:15-14:15… provide startTime as 15 minutes. First time of data will be used as startTime if none is provided

DataStream object with all the existing data columns and FFT features

compute_fourier_features(self, exclude_col_names: list = [], feature_names=['fft_centroid', 'fft_spread', 'spectral_entropy', 'spectral_entropy_old', 'fft_flux', 'spectral_falloff'], windowDuration: int = None, slideDuration: int = None, groupByColumnName: List[str] = [], startTime=None)[source]

Transforms data from time domain to frequency domain.

  • list (feature_names) – name of the columns on which features should not be computed
  • list – names of the features. Supported features are fft_centroid, fft_spread, spectral_entropy, spectral_entropy_old, fft_flux, spectral_falloff
  • windowDuration (int) – duration of a window in seconds
  • slideDuration (int) – slide duration of a window
  • List[str] (groupByColumnName) – groupby column names, for example, groupby user, col1, col2
  • startTime (datetime) – The startTime is the offset with respect to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC with which to start window intervals. For example, in order to have hourly tumbling windows that start 15 minutes past the hour, e.g. 12:15-13:15, 13:15-14:15… provide startTime as 15 minutes. First time of data will be used as startTime if none is provided

DataStream object with all the existing data columns and FFT features

cerebralcortex.markers.brushing.main module

generate_candidates(CC, user_id, accel_stream_name, gyro_stream_name, output_stream_name)[source]
generate_features(CC, user_id, candidate_stream_name, output_stream_name)[source]
predict_brushing(CC, user_id, features_stream_name)[source]

cerebralcortex.markers.brushing.util module

classify_brushing(X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, model_file_name: str)[source]
get_candidates(ds, uper_limit: float = 0.1, threshold: float = 0.5)[source]

Get brushing candidates. Data is windowed into potential brushing candidate :param ds: :type ds: DataStream :param uper_limit: threashold for accel. This is used to know how high the hand is :type uper_limit: float :param threshold: :type threshold: float



This method will compute what are the max values for accel and gyro statistical/FFT features :param ds: :type ds: DataStream

get_orientation_data(ds, wrist, ori=1, is_new_device=False, accelerometer_x='accelerometer_x', accelerometer_y='accelerometer_y', accelerometer_z='accelerometer_z', gyroscope_x='gyroscope_x', gyroscope_y='gyroscope_y', gyroscope_z='gyroscope_z')[source]

Get the orientation of hand using accel and gyro data. :param ds: DataStream object :param wrist: name of the wrist smart watch was worn :param ori: :param is_new_device: this param is for motionsense smart watch version :param accelerometer_x: :type accelerometer_x: float :param accelerometer_y: :type accelerometer_y: float :param accelerometer_z: :type accelerometer_z: float :param gyroscope_x: :type gyroscope_x: float :param gyroscope_y: :type gyroscope_y: float :param gyroscope_z: :type gyroscope_z: float

Returns:DataStream object

Module contents